Problems of allocation and conservation of forest genetic reserves in areas of large industrial center in the Urals

Makhnev A.K.

Botanic garden Ural Branch of Rassian Academy of sciences (Ekaterinburg)

The problems of allocation and conservation of forest genetic reserve of one of the main forms of the gene pool conservation of forest forming plants and other woody species, there exist in the industrialized regions, including the Urals, especially the Middle and South, by several reasons.

Among them objectively on multiple data (Kulagin, 1974; Shilova et al, 1984; Vorobeychik et al, 1994; State Report ..., 1996) in the first place is a high level of air pollution and soil contamination by industrial emissions, which leads to degradation of vegetation, including forest, a vast territory, or its complete loss in the impact zones.

Next, are also likely objective reason - shortage of highly productive plus plantations of trees (forest), the main forest forming species, as nearly 300 - year period beginning with the appearance of metallurgy in the Urals, forest in the areas of factories have already cut down three times, with the forestry they have not always been rationally.

A third reason, the pressure of recreation, can be described as subjective, as the first «Regulations about Isolation and Conservation of Woody Species Gene Pool in the Forest of the USSR» (1982) forest genetic reserves were recommended to allocate mainly in forest of green zone, created around the cities and large settlements, and are consequently higher category of protection. However, given forests, usually at the time of the allocation of reserves were mature or overmature and under intense recreation, accompanied by a lack of undergrowth and significant mechanical damage to trees.

In connection with the usual unsatisfactory future trend of preserving a valuable gene pool of forest forming species in the Ural forests allocated reserves, we believe, may be offered the following.

1. The holding in genetic reserves renewal felling, if necessary, to supplement their measures of silviculture.

2. Ñreation of full-fledged cultural afforestation predominantly coniferous-deciduous composition, stable in relation to fire and pest damage to forests, including disturbed areas, but preferably in conditions excluding air and soil pollution, should be widely practiced.


Vorobeychik E.L, Sadykov Î.F., Farafontov M.G., Ecological standardization of terrestrial ecosystems technogenic pollution (local scale), Yekaterinburg: Nauka, 1994, 280.

State report on the state of the environment and the impact factors of habitat on the health of the population of Sverdlovsk region in 1995, Yekaterinburg: Aerokosmoekologiya, 1996, 218.

Kulagin Y.Z., Woody plants and industrial environments, M.: Nauka, 1974, 125.

Shilova I.I., Makhnev A.K., Lukianets A.I., Geochemical transformation of soils and vegetation in the areas of operation of non-ferrous metallurgy, Environmental aspects of optimizing the technological landscape, Sverdlovsk: USSR Academy of Sciences UC, 1984,14-35.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition